Changes Demand Refocus
I'm pretty confident no one will ever accuse those of us who lived through 2020 of being inflexible. One of the major benefits to living through this year is the way it's taught us to adjust, refocus, and continue towards our goals when the ground is constantly moving beneath our feet.
Now we're moving into the fall season, the job industry seems to be moving back towards normal, and kids are back in school. These are all changes that demand time and planning to effectively navigate. But we're well built for that now. We know how to refocus and hit a moving target.
So, which of your goals are affected by these new changes? Do you hate the colder weather? Is the rain causing mental fatigue or depression? Is your schedule less flexible now that the kids are is school and activities?
What kind of focused planning do you need to do to achieve the goals you've set for yourself?
I want to encourage you to do three things as you look at your goals in the reflection of the upcoming fall season.
1) Accountability
Sharing your plans and goals with one or more people you trust will help you stay on track. If it's someone you see or speak with every day, great! They can be a positive reminder and an encourager as you accomplish your goals.
2) Intentional Positivity
Starting every day with an intentionally positive mindset. Some of us find that is prayer and reflection, some find it in silent meditation. Take the time to invest in your day before doing anything else. Fill your positive energy bank before you start the day so you have plenty of fuel to run on.
3) Gratitude
Ending the day with a grateful attitude sends you into rest with a light heart. It doesn't matter if you achieved all of your goals that day or not, you can still be grateful for what you did achieve. This all comes down to choosing to frame each day in an attitude of gratitude.
If you need additional reminders, or a community of people who are striving to be their best self every day to help keep you accountable, come join us at Fitrition! We're always looking to add people to the community who are driven to achieve good things.