TO OUR CLIENTS: Let's Talk About It
To all of our clients...
We want to make sure to keep everyone up to date amidst all the rapid changes concerning COVID-19 and our operating procedures. As coaches our top priority is supporting what is best for you and your health in any way we can. This goes beyond simply providing you with an environment and programming to get your workouts on a regular basis. It extends to supporting you in any way we can...even when that means meeting in person in the gym no longer equates with what's best for the health of us all. I want to break down our commitment to you in three different operational phases: 1 current, 2 restricted, 3 closed.
1: Currently we are keeping our facility open per our normal schedule (this means all classes for adults and youth are still happening). This is not an expectation that anyone/everyone come, this is our way of maintaining the opportunity for those clients who feel it is still appropriate in their scope of health and lifestyle to come in and exercise.
During this time, we ask that anyone who feels ill in any way whatsoever stays home. We will continue to do our best to maintain a high standard of cleanliness per every class, and invite the participants to assist us in this effort. We will also continue to provide the workouts via FB and/or text/email as needed.
2: Restricted Numbers...Currently our state leadership has encouraged no gatherings of over 50 persons. We are in no danger of exceeding that. However, there has also been discussions/suggestions on the national stage that the number should be more like 10. If our state leadership determines that 10 is the more appropriate meeting size, we will then take a look at our class schedules and make the necessary adjustments. We will first communicate with only those of you who have been coming in regularly during this time to try and find the best way to serve smaller groups as necessary. We will also be offering more personal training options at this time in order to give clients more options.
3: Temporarily Closed. If we get to the point where it makes the most sense to close, or we have to close, we will continue to offer workouts on Facebook and via text/email. Also, we will offer personalized programming for anyone who would like during this time (more like personal training from a distance...differing from the class workouts). And we would be willing to let people utilize some of our equipment during the closure so that they have what they need to keep up with workouts at their homes. (If this interests you, contact Keith for details - it will be a first come first serve basis with limited equipment supply).
Obviously, this time period is full of the 'unknown' and is going to be trying on all of us. The top priority is that we all work together towards what's best for the health of us all. The way it looks, this time will be difficult to sustain through the financial impact if things become more extreme for an extended period of time. All of you have been wonderful in your continual support of what we have going on here at Fitrition. It's been a great journey thus far, and we look forward to great expectations of what the future possibilities may be. I will be emailing out all open invoices. If you could do your best to get your account up to date sooner vs. later (either through online, or when you come in next), that will help us out significantly in this time period. If you aren't sure, just message me and I'll let you know!
Thank you!