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What Our People Say : Testimonies from the Gym

Once each month we'll take the opportunity to share what the members of our gym community are saying about their experience at Fitrition. We'll kick it off with one of our most 'life-experienced' members, 83-year-old Rachel Imthurn. She began coming to Fitrition two years ago when a friend told her about it.

"Each session is different, so you work every muscle group. The coaches are trained professionals," Rachel said when asked what she likes most about Fitrition. "If you want to feel better about yourself, Fitrition is a great place to start. You will be challenged to set new goals and improve your health, and you will have fun doing it!"

Rachel works with Keith Fine as her coach.

"Keith demonstrates correct form and gives each member of his class individual attention. He knows your limits and pushes you to the max. It's hard work, but he makes it fun, and you can't wait to come back for more the next time!"

Q: What areas of your life have been positively affected by Fitrition?

A: Fitrition is a real upper - mentally, socially, and physically. It is just a great place to be. I have friends, lost weight and improved my strength and fitness. I can arrive feeling really down, but I always leave with a smile, feeling great!


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