Back to the Future: The New Normal
This message comes to you from Keith Fine, owner and lead coach at Fitrition.
As we head towards the reopening of the gym, I wanted to share how we will proceed in our mission to serve you.
First of all, we will continue to remain temporarily closed so long as our state / county / city leadership advises. However, once the stay-at-home order is lifted and we (gyms) are included in the phase to be open, we will open! This could be as soon as Monday May 4th. However, I also understand that even if we are allowed to be open, not every one of our clients will feel comfortable coming back in immediately, and that’s just fine. We will resume our normal class schedule with a few added options (more about that later!), and we will continue to post workouts online, sharing via Facebook and text with those who choose to stay at home for the time being. We will have new policies and procedures for our staff and all clients to adhere to as we each assume as much responsibility as we can to care for ourselves and others. I’ll begin by sharing the policy aspect and follow it up with the procedural expectations. POLICIES If you’re sick, at all, stay home. Common symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to having a cold or the flu; fever, dry cough, fatigue, aches/pains, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, congestion. Please use caution and be considerate of others, if you’re in doubt about feeling 100%, we can text you a workout for the day to do at home! Disinfecting and Cleaning: our staff will be, and has been, cleaning daily. We will do our best to make sure the floors get mopped and the equipment is disinfected by us multiple times daily. We have also set up more sanitizing/cleaning stations around the gym to better serve you. We need your help to effectively and efficiently accomplish this. We are going to ask that all participants disinfect the equipment they use for the workout at the end of their workout. PROCEDURES
We will have allocated space and equipment for each participant in each workout. No sharing of space or equipment will greatly increase everyone’s safety. Each space granted will be respectful to the ‘6 feet of social distancing’ recommendations. We will have 10 spaces available on the turf, 10 on the black, and 6 in the weight room, for a total of 26 potential spaces for clients at any given time. We also will have designated spaces for the entryway and walkways.
Given sensitivity to space, equipment, and the number of people in the door, we will also need to be respectful of time. If you show up before your session, you have the option of using the marked off entryway or a workout area that’s not being used for a self-prescribed warm up. If you’re not sure where to go, be sure to ask questions! You’re also free to move through the walkway and use the restrooms/locker rooms. Once your workout time arrives, you’ll meet with your coach, be assigned your area and equipment for the day, and you’ll be briefed on your workout. During the last few minutes of your workout, we will allow time for cool down and ask for your assistance in cleaning up.
We will be offering classes at the following times:
AM: (M – F) 5, 5:30, 6, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 11:40
PM: M/W 5:30 & 6:30 T/Th 4:30pm
Saturday: 6, 7 & 9 AM
AM: (M-Th) 8:30, 9:30
PM: (M-Th) 3:30, 4:30
Plus all personal training and other normally scheduled small groups
Overall, it’s still Fitrition! We’re still an environment that encourages you to strive towards your purpose with excellence! We will still have challenging workouts with fun and variety. You’ll still have your workout buddies to chat, sweat, and suffer with! We’re still offering a normal schedule, plus some! At the same time, we’re doing our best to be as responsible as we can be, together with you, in our mission to serve you.