Benefits of Strength Training

Long Term Benefits of Resistance Training
Walking is the most popular form of physical activity for the adult population. But, what if I told you that walking isn’t the best way to build a healthy lifestyle? While walking does have its benefits, it lacks in some major areas, the primary one being, it doesn’t build muscle. Research has shown that an inactive/untrained adult can lose anywhere from 3% to 8% of lean muscle mass per decade, resulting in decreased metabolic function, increased fat accumulation, bone loss, diabetes, and increases all cause mortality (1,2,3).
There needs to be a strong push for men and women to start resistance training (lifting weights) on a regular basis to begin to reverse the effects of age related muscle loss. Walking or running by itself will not give you the long term health benefits and improved body composition that resistance training will.
Unlike walking or running, resistance training causes your body to work harder after training as well! Research has shown there can be up to a 7% increase in resting metabolic rate for up to 72 hours post exercise due to the demands of tissue repair placed on the body (1,9). In practical terms, if you want to lose weight and look better, start weight training!!
Resistance training does not even have to be all that challenging to start seeing results either. Research has shown that resistance training just 2-3x per week with 12 total exercise sets per session has resulted in an average increase of 1.4kg (3 lbs) of lean muscle mass in just 10 weeks with a population of 30-81 year olds (4).
The benefits of increased muscle mass go far beyond just gaining muscle too. With steady increases in muscle mass, an individual can experience greater functional ability, increased bone density, improved metabolic function, reduced fat mass, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, and reduced risk of all cause mortality (5,6,7,8).
At Fitrition, our coaches are ready to guide you in your journey, helping you achieve your goals.
Wescott, Wayne; Exercise Training Is Medicine, 2012
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